Part of what fuels my passion for the weather, and what drives me to create is a great appreciation for single moments in time.
We all exist in a finite series of moments. They can seem as long or as short as we wish, and contain as much of "us" as we desire. The past no longer exists, and the future is uncertain. All that exists is this moment in time. Right now. That's all we have.
Every time I look up, I'm aware that what my eyes are perceiving exists only in that single, short moment in time, and in the context of my life and experiences. Likewise, every cloud, storm, raindrop, lightning bolt, and even tornado, contains the story of the life and experiences of everyone who is viewing it.
These weather phenomenon don't just happen to us, they live as well, along with us. We share a story. We share a series of moments. Existing in my imagination, this storm lived only until I was finished painting. It has since decayed as the sun set, and stars have likely come out as the prairie is washed in the dark of night.
I hope what I experience in the studio creating will somehow translate into my life in general. I'll never be able to "press pause" on life, but I'm trying to slow down enough to appreciate the unique and rich story contained in every single moment.